Gen. Rules & Regulation

Rules & Regulation

* School expects from its puplis to religious abide by the regulation as furnished time to time.
* Pupils are expected to ever remain obedient and devocated to their Acharyajees (teacher) so as to ensure a very healthy, positive and rewarding academic atmosphere.
* Pupils are expected to have a sense of devotion to mother Saraswati, goddess of education and learning and keep all the stationeries , Text Books, Exercise Books a proper manner.
* Puplis are expected to attend School not only in complete & well tailored but also neat and clean and well pressed. * Pupils are expected to feel their school as Temple of Learning and hence they must have a high moral of the institution they ae reading in.
* Any type of conduct against the institution character shall be treaded as serious delinquency.
* School fees must be deposited in time. Negligence in this part may prove emotionally disturbing for the pupil.
* Repeated violation of any of the above rules may compel the management to consider the case very deeply an ultimately decide to send the pupil back to their homes.
* Scholars are expected to come to school with their Tiffin Box not junk foods but with made nutritious food stuffs.
* Each and every pupil must bring School Dairy & Vandana Booklet regularly.
* During Recess no student should be found staying/taking rest inside the classroom. Timely presence before the chanting of BHOJAN MANTRA on the place specified is essential.
* Shouting in the classroom, paying no attention to the classroom teaching as per teacher’s expectations, negligence in submission of Homework or violation of the teacher’s instructions may lead to suspension from the classroom.
* Pupils must try to talk in good English in a very noble way. When expected to speak in Sanskrit, ours should be sincere effort to communicate ourselves in a lucid style. Similarly while communicating in HINDI, grammatical mistakes should not be made at all Language consciousness to such an extent should be our motto.
* Pupils are expected to take part in maximum number of co-curricular activities to ensure all round development scheme of the school. Positive attitude is always rewarding.