Principal Message

We want education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded and by which one can stand on one’s own feet” – Swami Vivekananda

Education is the manifestation of love and my most cherished possession .Education drives away ignorance and through illumination, it emboldens a man to righteous thought and action. It empowers a woman and enlarges the horizon of her mind. It energizes a society and enables a man to earn his living with respect and dignity.

Dear students, it is my message to you all that the people of fine character live by their values. They are honest and are committed to truthfulness, by word and deed. True character thus encompasses the capacity for self-discipline.

Towards this goal the school endeavors to provide a dedicated teaching staff with a wide range of skills and interests, a varied and wide choice of activities,, academic, aesthetic and athletic – an environment enriched with the excitement of discovery, challenge and competitiveness with the help of ATL(Lab), computer, digital , remedial & spoken classes.

Let us accept our responsibilities as ‘Parents’ at school and you as ‘Teachers’ at home, to nurture the young minds to enable their talents, strength and goodness to fructify.

Mr Rakesh Sinha
Principal (Saraswati Vidya MAndir, Sinidih)